Letting my days ebb and flow is bringing me to my authentic self.

November 8, 2020
I am truly excited I found a treasure trove of items! Book I have stashed away for years. As I am de-cluttering, I am finding books that I have forgotten. These are forgotten treasures that I am so happy I found.
I found a book of poems my dad used to read with my dad, coffee table books on wise women, cherubs, and creative visualization. Not only that, I am following my passions, going back to my roots, developing my innate artistic talent.
I have found art books on drawing, painting, and pen and ink techniques in this plethora of books!
This is serendipity; a little over a month ago, I decided to follow my instincts, trust myself, and listen to my intuition. Even when I have my down moments and doubts, here is proof that I am when I need to be…
Thank You, God – Thank You, Universe.