Putting together a life of joy is not easy after losing a loved one.
It has taken me all this time to finally be able to identify one of the things that makes me who I am. My personal truth is I am a creative vibrant soul who from the time I was little had a connection to the art world.
After decades of marriage, children, and building a business for financial security. It took a tragedy in my life to make me realize my true essence. The death of my husband and grappling with what was I to do next?
It took me years to get my grief under control – and now almost three years later I am realizing through soul searching being along and often lonely it is not dating I needed or another person in my life it is me.

Journal Entry: November 6, 2020
I am really getting excited about my new or old passions that I am re-igniting
The private group on Facebook for the creativity challenge has helped me put sparks back into my life that have given me so much joy.
I have been going around my house and getting into all the boxes and cupboards that I have actually stashed art supplies from years ago and even from some I have just bought and put away thinking someday!
Today is the day! From the group we are learning how to do abstract art. My preference in the past is realism but I do like abstract and now that I am learning how to just listen to my inner self and go with the flow I have to admit it is opening up a new found love.
When I wake up in the morning I no longer want to stay in bed at least most days. I have a new lease on life.