Through my experience of being a sole caretaker and feeling so very alone, this website was born. For many years I was focused on building online businesses, marketing, consulting, and everything that goes with it. After my husband passed away, that just wasn’t enough anymore
I wanted to make a difference in women’s lives, such as yours. I wanted to build a community of like-minded women who would help pull up those struggling as well as celebrating our lives and finding a bright future despite our adversities.
I put together a Facebook group called “Women of a Certain Age” it is a private group for women 50+ our group took off like a rocket!
I believe it was divine intervention that pulled us together.
As a woman myself, I know that it is really easy to buy into the hype of not being enough. As a woman grows older, our society sends out messages. Making older women feel unattractive, relegated her to the back of the line, to the point many feel invisible. With all this negativity being thrown at them. Many women feel like there best days are over.
Nothing could be farther from the truth!!
This website will help give women the tools they need to live a vibrant, meaningful, and exciting life.