When my husband passed away, my family was so supportive – and my adult children were amazing and by my side. After his death, some things were said and done that broke my heart. During this time, my daughter wrote a post on my Facebook page that still makes me cry.
This is also for all you caregivers that are battling this war or have as well.
What is Love?
Love is standing by someone even when it isn’t easy.
It’s loving them even when it’s difficult.
Love is constant and requires sacrifice and loyalty.
Love stays through health and sickness. It remains when it’s inconvenient.
Love is soiled laundry, doctors’ visits, and spoon feedings.
Love looks like tendons being torn from catching your loved one; watching them decline and choosing to lift them with courage instead of giving into fear; letting go of a career to care for them.
Love is watching your loved ones last breaths, holding their face and telling them, “it’s okay, I’m here, and I love you.” Comforting them until the end, only collapsing in grief once they had gone.
Mom, you have shown me what love looks like throughout your marriage and most strongly these last 5 years. Only those that have not seen it would not acknowledge it.
I’m sorry you have to go on without your sweetheart. Please know that he loves you so much, and we love you too. We will be right here to help you through it.