A lot changes in life when you have to go on dialysis. I have always been a free spirit and not a creature of habit. That has all changed, and it has been a struggle for me.

How does your life change on dialysis?
I am the artistic type, and I enjoyed my freedom to come and go as I pleased and, quite frankly, go to bed whenever I wanted. Well, that has quickly come to a halt!
I do my dialysis at home, but it means I have to be “hooked up” for over nine hours a night. I have to be careful to keep everything sterile so as not to get an infection, so I start at 8 to 8:30 and go through the routine of setting up my machine and all the tubes and solution that goes with it. This routine is an every night thing. Nine and ½ to 10 hours a night cramps my style for going out at night.
I love to travel and see my family and friends now it is not easy. I have to take my boxes of solutions. My daughter forced me to go the first time, saying, “mom, it is not an inconvenience. Dennis (my son-in-law) can help”. Each box is 25 lbs, and I go through 1 box a night.
So Blessed to have Family and Friends
I am lucky to have family and friends who support me and don’t seem to mind when I bring my baggage. But I still feel like I don’t want to put anyone out and feel bad. It makes me want to cry.
At my sickest, when my kidneys were failing, I didn’t even want to get out of bed. I was so ill and lethargic. But it is better than the alternative, and I have to say I feel so much better after I started dialysis.
But I have to say I am thankful for so many things and realize we all have our crosses to bear.