What is there to say? I am being besieged with health problems and trying to rise above them. Some days, it is just hard. I have always been healthy until I wasn’t. I believe the stress of the last six years has led to this. My Husband’s illness, death, and subsequent legal problems brought on by his kids. I am still tied up in court and paid over 100,000. In legal fees, more to come.
I don’t think we are aware of our mortality until we face it. This last year I have been battling kidney disease. In December, I just was so sick and had what was called kidney anorexia. Food was gross, and my health took a tumble; without nutrition, everything goes south. I ended up going on Dialysis in February. Talk about turmoil and strife. My life as I know it was over – no more traveling, at least it is not easy. I am doing at-home PD dialysis. I had to be trained, and I have an amazing family and friend who went to training with me.
My daughter was so worried I would die that she brought her office to my house. So here I am, someone who likes to live without structure. A right-brained artist – abstract and wanting new adventures now I have to be aware of everything I eat, drink and keep numbers. I hate it, but I realize to get back into health, I have to do these things, but some days it is discouraging. I am on the kidney transplant list – I am grateful for that. Until I get a kidney, I will do what it takes to be as healthy as possible for my family and grandkids. Even after the Kidney, it will be a challenge, especially the first year but isn’t that what life is about lessons and challenges? I have learned so much from all the trials and tribulations I have had in my life.
I am still so grateful for all I have a fantastic family, a home, and food for sustenance; what more can one ask for